Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015 - The Gift of Perspective

It’s Mother’s Day 2015, and I’m sitting in a hospital bed with a cap covering my bald head and with chemicals and fluids flowing constantly into my veins. Some Mother’s Days are tougher than others.

I think of other mothers on this hospital floor, and I know some of their outlooks are not as hopeful as mine. I think of all of those moms who have lost children they knew and loved and lost too soon . . . those moms who never got to hear a first breath from their babies . . . those who still are longing to be moms or maybe gave up on it years ago and have a giant unfulfilled hole in their hearts. I think of those many children who want desperately just to have a mom and those who, like me, miss their moms terribly, because they are no longer with us.

Truly, some Mother’s Days are tougher than others.

Surprisingly, this is not one of them for me.

Yes, there are many other places I’d rather be. This is not exactly an ideal Mother’s Day scenario. I’d love to be having a wonderful, relaxing day with my family at home or embarking on some adventure with them. I think of my own mother and how much I miss her and wish I could celebrate and spend time with her today.

Yet, this Mother’s Day, I woke up overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. I’m thankful that I have a family who loves me and never hesitates to show that. My husband loves me and our family and takes care of, leads, and serves us so diligently and faithfully. Our children love us and each other. And . . . I am alive RIGHT NOW to experience all of that. Really, what more do I need?

As I think of my mom, whom I miss terribly and wish I could talk to about what I’m going through, I realize that I’m sort of glad she’s not here to watch me go through this chapter of my life. She would be so worried and would feel so helpless. I’m thankful she doesn’t have to experience that.

I don’t say these things because I have a Pollyanna view of life. I’ve not become some super-optimist or spiritual giant. I have had many pity-party moments, days, and even months. And I’m not trying to blow off real pain that needs to be felt and worked through, sometimes every year on days like this for those of us who live the painful scenarios I’ve mentioned.

I just have been given an unwanted and yet very useful gift this year . . . a gift of “Perspective” which I would have never asked to unwrap. Yet, it is still a gift. It is a circumstance-sifter that reminds me that all we can be sure of is the current moment. Yes, it’s cliché, but truly, I realize today, more than ever, that each DAY is a gift.

I saw something this morning that said “Today is a good day to have a good day.”

From this moment on, I want to unwrap each day with hope and gratitude. Whatever I’m going through, I want to sift it through my newfound gift of Perspective and see how it looks when it comes out on the other end.

No, circumstances aren’t always lovely or good or comfortable, but today IS a good day to have a good day, because why waste a moment letting disappointments suck the joy out of the NOW, the only thing we can be sure we have? Why not reflect on the good things, because there are many, if we take time to think on them.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end; 
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “therefore I will hope in him.”
                                           Lamentations 3:22-24

May you find the new mercies available to you today, whatever your circumstances!

Happy “Good Day” to all of you!
